Kianda Blog

The future of No-code / Low-code is Kianda

I have had the pleasure of working with some fascinating characters in the world of citizen development, no-code and low-code. The excitement of technology abstraction allows people to play Lego with software and build anything they want. Certainly, the impact that has on automation, efficiency, and digital transformation. But, also the implications for organisational development,

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Kianda COO, Derya Sousa and CEO, Osvaldo Sousa with Ireland's Best Export Award from National Enterprise Awards 2021

Kianda wins Ireland’s Best Export Award at National Enterprise Awards

Derya Sousa, COO, Kianda Technologies and Osvaldo Sousa, CEO, Kianda Technologies We are delighted to announce that Kianda Technologies took home the Best Export Award at the National Enterprise Awards 2021. Our CEO, Osvaldo Sousa and COO, Derya Sousa represented Kianda at the awards ceremony, broadcasted live from the Mansion House on the evening of Thursday, February 11th, 2021. Derya says: “What

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Kianda makes digitalisation easier for people, approachable for companies

Our COO, Derya Sousa was interviewed by RTE (Radio Television of Ireland) for the Boost My Business feature, showcasing Kianda’s easier approach to digitalisation. Kianda no-code platform helps companies from all over the world to implement digitalisation smoothly. And, without limitations. Moreover, Kianda plays a key role in how many companies have adapted to the pandemic. And how those businesses

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Kianda Technologies Founders

Kianda workflow software helps companies tackle COVID-19 impacts

Many companies are searching for rapid ways to tackle COVID-19 impacts to the business.  Local Enterprise Office Ireland highlights how Kianda workflow software helps companies across the globe throughout COVID-19. Using Kianda, companies have implemented rapid and effective digital business applications. That is, in response to COVID-19. May it be for a new process that was developed

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Gulbenkian deploy tackle covid-19 with rapid return process

COVID-19 challenges and how Gulbenkian reduced the impact with digitalisation

The COVID-19 outbreak has amounted huge pressures on many organisations. Gulbenkian Foundation found themselves as one of those organisations. As a result of mass ticket cancelletations, Gulbenkian had to refund thousands of tickets. Using Kianda Platform, the Foundation deployed a rapid returns system to streamline the ticket returns process. How quickly things change Currently, the

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Kianda wins best start up/new business award

Kianda Technologies Wins The Best Start Up/New Business Award

Kianda Technologies wins Best Start Up/New Business award at Fingal Dublin Chamber Business Excellence and CSR awards 2018. KIANDA – Best Start Up/New Business 2018- sponsored by The LINC @ IT Blanchardstown. “It’s Kianda’s first time entering this competition. So, we are delighted to win such a prestigious award.” says Osvaldo Sousa – Co-founder of Kianda Technologies. The prestigious

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No-code tools for digital transformation

No-code Tools for Digital Transformation

Transcript: No-code tools for digital transformation All employees can help drive change, not just those with technical skills, says Osvaldo Sousa of Kianda Technologies. Despite all the available modern technologies, innovations and mobile solutions, enterprises still seem to be somehow in catch-up mode when it comes to digital transformation. Modern enterprises have common objectives, aiming

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